Fertility New Zealand walks alongside all people facing fertility challenges.

Be Fertility Fit

Maximise your chances of conception by becoming aware of factors impacting your fertility.


Awareness of fertility fitness can help:

  • maximise chances of natural conception for couples trying to conceive
  • improve chances of success through Assisted Reproductive Technology
  • optimise the lifelong health of your future child
  • preserve fertility for those who plan to have a family in the future

Click on the menu bar above for more information on the Five Fertility Fit Factors.

Be Fertility Fit presentation

Download the Fertility Week: Be Fertility Fit roadshow presentation.  This seminar was presented at many locations throughout the country during Fertility Week. 



Fertility Green Prescription

Fertility Fitness in a nutshell.  Do you score a clear green light?  An orange, with reduced chances of a healthy conception?  Or a red light, with factors working against your conception.
