Fertility New Zealand walks alongside all people facing fertility challenges.

Fertility Videos

What does FertilityNZ do?

About FertilityNZ and how it supports New Zealanders experiencing infertility.

Understanding Your Cycle Video

Having an understanding of your cycle is fundamental for all those trying to conceive. A normal menstrual cycle and an IVF cycle are explained.

What to ask your Doctor Video

GPs are usually the first port of call when trying to conceive. Find out the questions to ask your GP and what you can expect to happen next.

Preconception Health Video

Preconception Health can help maximise your chances of a healthy pregnancy, through achievable lifestyle changes.

Fertility Treatment Guide Video

A guide to fertility treatments available in New Zealand, and a typical process through levels of treatment.

Infertility in NZ Framework Video

Explanation of how fertility funding works in New Zealand, and the usual sequence of events for people experiencing infertility.

Male Infertility Video

Male factor infertility, and its treatments, explained.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Video

PCOS is defined and its impact on fertility explained.

Endometriosis Video

Endometriosis is explained together with its impact on fertility and possible treatments.

Secondary Infertility Video

Infertility experienced by those who already have one or more children.

Single & Same Sex Couples Video

Considerations for single people and same sex couples looking to build families and/or facing infertility.

The Emotional Impact of Infertility Video

Outlines the emotional consequences of infertility and gives coping mechanisms.

The Infertility Counsellor Video

The role of the specialist Infertility Counsellor.

Coping with Special Occasions Video

Christmas, Mothers and Fathers Days can be particularly difficult for people with infertility. Learn coping mechanisms to help deal with these events.

Complementary Therapies Video

An outline of complementary therapies which you may consider.

Tips for Friends and Families Video

Learn about the impact of infertility on a friend or relative and how you can support them.

Recurrent Miscarriage Video

Recurrent miscarriage is described by a Doctor and a Fertility Counsellor as well as a Member sharing her experience.

Egg Donation Video

Members share their experiences as egg donors and recipients. Legal and emotional considerations for people investigating egg donation in NZ.

Surrogacy Video

This video outlines considerations for people investigating using, or being, a surrogate. Our members share their experiences of surrogacy.

Living Childfree Video

Guidance for those at the end of their fertility journey.