Fertility New Zealand walks alongside all people facing fertility challenges.

Recorded Webinars

We provide free webinars with relevant topics and information to our community with an educational grant from Merck.


Check out our extensive range of webinar recordings below.

Fertility Preservation

Dr Greg Phillipson, fertility specialist and Fertility NZ board advisor presents our next webinar - Fertility Preservation.

Endometriosis and Fertility

Our next webinar is Endometriosis and Fertility with Dr Simon McDowell, Endometriosis NZ's Clinical Advisory Committee.

ACART Consultation on Research Involving Human Gametes and Embryos

Submissions for this consultation are open until 31 March 2023 therefore this is a great opportunity to hear directly from ACART.

Surviving the holiday season: Lifestyle and Fertility

Practising Medical Herbalist, Jo Barnett outlines what's within your control when you are trying-to-conceive leading into Christmas and the holiday season.

Rainbow Fertility

We’re delighted to offer our rainbow community a personalised webinar about fertility options for building whānau.

PCOS and Fertility with Dr Stella Milsom

Dr Stella Milsom presents PCOS and Fertility.

Infertility Affects Men Too

Join Richard and Richie as they chat about all things fertility from a male's perspective.

What happens in the lab with Jeanette MacKenzie

Have you ever wondered what happens inside an embryology laboratory?

Fertility Wellness with Lani Eagle

In our follow-on webinar from Nutrition and Fertility, Repromed's Fertility Counsellor Lani Eagle will be discussing Fertility Wellness.

Nutrition and Fertility

In this recording, Claudia talks about how nutrition contributes to maintaining your wellness and how to optimise your fertility through nutrition.

Fertility 101 with Dr Michelle Bailey

Dr Michelle Bailey talks about all things fertility. This webinar is a stress-free and casual way to learn fertility basics and help you walk away feeling informed and empowered about your fertility.

Resilience during Infertility

Andy Leggat, Health Psychologist and Counsellor presents Resilience during Infertility.

The cost of infertility

An overview of the ins and outs of public funding, costs you can expect, and how private funding works alongside public funding.

Add-ons and research update

Professor Cindy Farquhar from the University of Auckland and Fertility Plus will outline fertility treatment add-ons available in New Zealand clinics and factors to consider when planning your treatment. 

Optimising mens’ fertility through lifestyle

Sperm health can impact both chance of conception and retaining a pregnancy. Learn about the factors within your control which can make a difference.

Whānau building in the Rainbow community

Whānau building for people in the Rainbow community can be very complex. Christian Newman (parent via surrogacy, and Love from your Dads) and Stewart Dalley (Barrister & Solicitor) navigate the main challenges.

Motherhood Missed

Dr Lois Tonkin shares insights from her new book, Motherhood Missed

Age and fertility

Dr Simon McDowell, Fertility Specialist at Fertility Associates, presented a webinar on age and fertility.

Nutrition & fertility

Alice Gormack, Dietitian, presented a webinar on optimising fertility through nutrition and weight

Creating whānau through embryo donation

Webinar panel discussion on Embryo Donation on 18 August

Male Factor Infertility

Dr Guy Gudex, Medical Director of Repromed, presented a webinar on Male Factor Infertility. The presentation was followed by a Q&A session.

Timing of Sex

A recording of our Timing of Sex webinar. Dr Karen Buckingham presents an overview of how to time sex for conception. This was followed by Q&A.

Dame Valerie Adams: my tough road to motherhood

Dame Valerie Adams shared her trying-to-conceive journey in an exclusive live webinar event.

Building resilience during infertility

Building resilience during infertility.

What happens in the lab?

Jeanette MacKenzie, Scientific Director of Fertility Plus, presented a webinar with an overview of embryology, the science of Assisted Reproductive Technology, and new developments in the field

What happens in a typical IVF cycle?

Dr Andrew Murray and Dr Mary Birdsall of Fertility Associates present What happens in a typical IVF cycle? Why IVF might be right for you

Maximising your Chances

In this webinar, Jo Barnett presents Maximising your Chances.

Recurrent Miscarriage

Dr Pete Benny, Medical Director of Genea Oxford Fertility, Christchurch, presents an overview of Recurrent Miscarriage.

PCOS & fertility

A recording of the PCOS and fertility webinar, presented by Dr Sarah Wakeman

Mindfulness for fertility

Learn valuable resilience skills to support you through the highs and lows of a fertility journey.

Endometriosis & Fertility

Professor Neil Johnson and Deborah Bush QSM gave an information session about endometriosis and fertility, followed by Q&A.

Legal aspects of Donation and Surrogacy

Recording of Webinar presented by Stewart Dalley

The top 6 things you can do when trying-to-conceive

Webinar with Jo Barnett highlighting things that women and men can do to improve their chances of conception, either natural or via assisted reproduction

How to find an egg/sperm donor or surrogate

A recording of the consumer panel discussion on how to find an egg donor, sperm donor or surrogate

Communicating donation and surrogacy

Recording of the webinar 'Communicating my child's donation/surrogacy story with confidence' with Professor Ken Daniels and Counsellor Fiona McDonald

Fertility New Zealand hosts regular webinar series regarding all things fertility. Check out our extensive range of webinar events below or view all webinar recordings on our YouTube channel. If you would like a specific topic covered, let us know – please get in touch with Kate at support@fertilitynz.org.nz.