Nutrition for fertility
Optimise your fertility through diet
Ensure adequate protein – fish, chicken, lean red meat, eggs, dairy, legumes. A good rule-of-thumb is one protein serve with every meal
Reduce or avoid saturated fats and trans fats
Ensure sources of healthy fats – olive oil and other vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, avocados
Reduce or avoid sugars and refined carbohydrates, ensure adequate amounts of whole grains
Avoid processed foods high in sugar, salt, additives, colourings and preservatives
Eat plenty of antioxidant rich foods, including vegetables and fruit
Eat organic where possible
Drink plenty of fresh water (or alternatives such as herbal teas)
Avoid alcohol consumption
Cigarette smoking halves the chance of pregnancy per month, both with natural conception and IVF
Avoid caffeine, soft drinks, energy drinks
This applies to women and men trying to conceive, ideally for three months prior to trying.
Eating a healthy diet in the three months preceding conception attempts can help protect DNA, promote sperm health and encourage and support a healthy libido. Recent research suggests that following a Mediterranean style dietary pattern increases the chance of conceiving per month. A Mediterranean diet consists of lots of antioxidant rich vegetables and fruit, whole grains and legumes, monounsaturated vegetable oils, fish, poultry and dairy products. Transitioning to this diet involves reducing saturated fats and processed foods.
Fertility Preservation
April 3, 2023
Dr Greg Phillipson, fertility specialist and Fertility NZ board advisor presents our next webinar - Fertility Preservation.
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