News and Research
ACART committee vacancy
The Advisory Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology has a vacancy and, on behalf of Hon Dr David Clark, Minister of Health, the Ministry of Health is seeking nominations/applications for a lay member with expertise in social science research and/or public policy. Ideally, the successful candidate will also have sound knowledge of Pasifika interests.
ACART is a busy committee with a comprehensive work programme. Members meet as a full committee 5-6 times each year, for a full day on each occasion. Working groups also meet on other occasions.
The full advertisement for the position is available here.
Nominations/applications must be made using the Ministry of Health online recruitment tool, and close Wednesday, 16 May 2018. If you have any questions, please email
Similarly, if you have a colleague who might be interested and suitable please pass this information on.
To nominate someone, or apply yourself, please provide:
• a declaration form completed by you/the nominee (attached)
• a current CV.
• a covering letter, detailing your/the nominee's experience that is relevant to the committee to which you/they are applying for and why the position is of interest