News and Research
ACART review of the guidelines for surrogacy and the donation of eggs, sperm and embryos
ACART review of the guidelines for surrogacy and the donation of eggs, sperm and embryos – PUBLIC MEETING/HUI
You are invited to a hui/public meeting to discuss proposed changes to the guidelines that regulate the donation of sperm, eggs and embryos and surrogacy in New Zealand.
A consultative meeting is being held by the Advisory Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology to discuss the committee’s current proposal to amend the guidelines for fertility treatment.
ACART would like to hear from people with an interest in fertility treatment, including those with a Maori perspective. The hui is also open to all interested professionals and members of the public. Feel free to pass this invite on to people you think might be interested.
The full consultation document is available at:
When: Tuesday, 31 October 2017 at 7 pm
Where: Manawanui marae, 11 Sutherland Road, Point Chevalier, Auckland.
Tea and coffee will be provided.
RSVP: E-mail: or phone the committee secretariat on 04 816 4459 or 04 816 4353.