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News and Research

Exercise 4 Endo

August 31, 2022


Dr. Cristy Brooks and Dr. Mike Armour from Western Sydney University

Dr. Alex Semprini, Melissa Black, Allie Eathorne and Michaela Walton from the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand.

The aim of the project is to get an idea about the views that endometriosis sufferers hold about exercise and what experiences they have had with exercise. Particularly, they would like to know what type of exercise you are doing/have done, how often,  and what impact it has/had on your symptoms. The survey is stage 1 of the project and will be followed up by some focus group sessions to get more information/detail about your thoughts surrounding exercise.

Your participation will be a valuable addition to this research, and the study will contribute to a greater understanding of what type, duration, and frequency of exercise women with endometriosis do regularly, as well as how it affects their endometriosis-related symptoms. This will help us to provide a rationale for more research into this area in the future, generate greater awareness of endometriosis and possible self-management tools for the ongoing symptoms of endometriosis, and possibly develop exercise-related guidelines for health practitioners to support and treat endometriosis sufferers more effectively.

If this sounds like something you would like to participate in, you will need approximately 20 minutes to complete the survey. Find some time, grab a cupper, and aid in improving better health outcomes for future generations.

This study has been approved by the Western Sydney University Human Research Ethics Committee. The Approval number is H15028.


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