Fertility New Zealand walks alongside all people facing fertility challenges.

News and Research

Fertility NZ Clinic Survey

January 30, 2015

Have your say – Fertility NZ Clinic Survey

We would like to find out more about patients’ experiences at New Zealand fertility clinics.

As you may know, one of Fertility NZ’s principle functions is advocacy, where we represent the voice of New Zealanders impacted by infertility. As fertility clinics and treatment represent an important experience for so many of our members, we wish to understand, and improve where relevant, the consumer experience at the clinics.

In light of this, we invite you to give feedback on your experience with fertility clinic(s) you have attended. The specific clinics will be listed in the survey, which is open to anyone who is a past or current patient of any New Zealand fertility clinic.

It can be difficult at times while going through fertility treatment to feel that you are able to give honest feedback to the clinic directly, particularly as you can feel vulnerable and emotional. As Fertility NZ operates independently from the clinics, this survey allows you to provide feedback to us which will be then provided in summary form to the clinics. Remember that this feedback can be either positive or constructive (or both!). The clinics are striving to continually improve their service to patients so all feedback given will be appreciated by them.

Therefore, we would be pleased if you would take up to five minutes of your time to complete the survey via the below link, by Friday 20th February. You can stop at any time, however it will not be possible to withdraw your information after you finish and close the screen. Your participation is completely anonymous and the results will be dealt with on a strictly confidential basis within Fertility NZ. No identifying information will be provided to the clinic (or to the clinic representatives on Fertility NZ’s Executive Committee). The survey is completely voluntary.

The survey can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HB9358R

We recognise that where couples are accessing fertility services at clinics, the experience of each partner may be different. To enable us to achieve a better understanding of the experience of each consumer, if your partner was also involved in accessing fertility services at a clinic, we would appreciate if they are also able to complete the survey. Please forward this email to them – as the link is not unique to you, it is possible for them to use the same link to complete the survey.

If completing this survey leaves you feeling distressed or upset, please contact our local support groups or call 0800 333 306.

We appreciate you taking the time to provide us your feedback, which we hope will improve the fertility clinic experience for New Zealanders in the future.

Thanks and best wishes,
Fertility New Zealand


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