News and Research
Māori and Pasifika experiences of infertility
Seeking tāngata Māori and Pasifika in Tāmaki Makaurau who have experienced, or are experiencing, challenges conceiving a child or retaining a pregnancy
We want to understand more about the experience of fertility challenges for Māori and Pacific people. This includes information, guidance, support and access to publicly funded consultations and treatments.
If you identify as Māori and/or Pasifika, are 18 years or older, and have had difficulty conceiving or staying pregnant, whatever the outcome of your journey, we would love to hear your thoughts.
We are holding a series of Focus Groups in Auckland in April-July 2021. We want to gather information to improve the experience for Māori and Pasifika people in the future.
Each focus group will be approximately two hours long and modest koha will be offered for your contribution. Please contact the researcher for more information, and/or to book your place in a focus group.
Ngā mihi for considering your participation.
Contact: Dr Madhavi Manchi
Approved by the University of Auckland Health Research Ethics Committee on 18/02/21 for a period of 3 years. Reference number AH21961